Heart Shaped Cake: Brunch at Hugo’s with Jeff’s family. My goodness – this was rice pudding and tres leches cake – that heart shaped cake – while meeting the needs of the competition – paled in comparison!
Olympic Mascot – Quatchi: Struggling here. But I figured Henry, my little bug who’s appearing in alot my work now, would look cute “looking up” to his mascot.
Lost: Recently Jeff and I took back up chess. He’s beating my pants off, so it’s fitting that this made “Lost”. This board was brought back from my parents trip to Mexico in the honeymoon phase of their marriage. Now it’s mine, and I love it.
Curtains: The grey light of the morning peeking through my bedroom windows. It looked so serene.
Puce: Darkish purplish black. When Jeff and I went shopping for the picnic for my birthday, I couldn’t help but snap these…and snap them up!
Hug a Farmer: Okay, Okay, a little liberty taken with this one. But his boots and my leather pants and 6” heels said “City Girl, Country Boy” too much to not take advantage. Plus I’ll remember kissing him during this shot.
Lying in Wait: this cat and bird were well placed objects at a local antique fair. I saw them, and it just looked like that cement cat could come to life and eat that bird!
Detour: We stopped along the way to Brazos Bend to take some pictures. This just said…”drive”…”take a detour”…”claim the open road.”
Making a Good Choice: There have been alot of choices about this relationship. Lots of learning. Lots of love. This is a good…no, great…choice. and it is my choice.
Street sign with the word hope, love, or turkey on it:…this truck was on the street. (See the van in the mirror)…so it’s a sign on the street.
Giving a box of chocolates to someone on a bench: Before Soccer Jeff took me to get this picture – he’s a fantastic supporter of me becoming a photographer!! – and he even refused to let me use my “premade pretty faux box of chocolates”…so this one is dedicated to him for playing by the rules…I like the sort of faceless structure about it, this could be anyone, someone, on a bench.
Comfortable: If this isn’t obvious, I don’t know what is. Side by side toothbrushes. That’s comfortable!
Origami: We were at a party and one of my friends turned around and handed this to me. I set it on my knee and voila! Another photo made – I didn’t even ask or tell him about the challenge – that was the best part – this picture just “happened”.
True North: Stack of antique bibles. If this isn’t the idea of looking up to True North…I’ve missed the point!
BFF: Great old store letters. Those are two “D”s stuck together to make a B, we had a good time sifting through each booth to find the right ones…once we set this one up, it was hilarious that the booth owner said “No…leave it that way, I’ll probably sell it faster now!”
River rocks: Bottom of the river bank at Brazos Bend. I love the coppery feel here. Nothing overly done, simple, sunlight. Makes me want to float with a nice lemonade.
Saving money: Sweet Henry and my packed lunch and cheap crossword entertainment. I pack my lunch alot – this lunch box is from ebay, it’s a real vintage one, if I’m going green and cheap, it better at least look good! :)
Desire: Jeff and I holding hands at a concert. I was all snuggly underneath his blanket that we were sharing around our shoulders – like our own little cave. I need more of that – I desire it!
With a live farm animal: Okay, I need to explain – I’m DEATHLY afraid of cows. This is about as close are you are going to get me to one. Nothing makes me feel better than “squishing” it with my fingers.
Grid: Me in a laundry basket. With some of my favorite shoes. My piece on this blog earlier about the laundromat…this one stuck out to me, I’m usually photographing feet wherever I land, this would just suit me fine – feet and grid – dual purpose!
Dig down deep: Same laundromat…this time helping Jeff get into the super deep dryers. We had too much fun at such a mundane place.
Beauty and the Beast: Ah, another mascot who appears in alot of my work. Ye olde Ralphie. He’s my beastly beast. Learning to bark more and more makes me cherish these times that he’s tired out and playfully calm.
Fun, daring things: What’s more fun and more daring than embarking on a good love story? Beats me.
I joined a group for photography – each month a list is released and we’re challenged to enter a photo for each item.
This month’s list:
1. Heart-shaped cake
2. Olympic Mascot (Quatchi the Sasqwatch)
3. Lost
4. Curtains
5. Puce
6. Hug a farmer
7. Lying in wait
8. Detour
9. Making a good choice
10.Street sign with the word hope, love, or turkey on it
11.Giving a box of chocolates to someone on a bench
14.True North
16.River rocks
17.Saving money
19.With a live farm animal
21.Dig down deep
22.Beauty and the Beast
23.Fun, daring things
(Photos by: Pretty.Smart.Photography. 2010.)
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