
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Attended Urban Market Houston - it's always cool to take the camera out and find pictures where they may not have been any blatantly. Enjoyed working in a cloudy sky, indoor and outdoor, constantly trying new settings.

I'm still getting used to being okay with taking a ton of pictures of something and not feeling rushed or stared at....maybe I just find pictures where others might not? Odd.

Location: Knights of Columbus Hall, The Heights, Houston, TX

(Photos by: Pretty.Smart.Photography. 2009.)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for coming out to The Urban Market! Your photographs are so great and beautiful!! May I have permission to use some on my website? I will credit you, of course!
    I hope you found some great treasures!!
    Jackie Sharbrough,
    owner of The Urban Market Housotn


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